Friday, December 13, 2013

Happy St Lucy's Day!

Happy St Lucy’s Day! The Feast of St Lucy is celebrated on December 13th, particularly in Italy and Scandinavia - if you’ve ever seen iconic photos of Swedish girls wearing crowns of candles, it’s for this celebration. The name Lucia means “light” in Latin and, prior to the adoption of our current calendar in 1582, it was believed December 13th coincided with the with the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. In Medieval Europe you might have heard this today while driving your ox cart through the village square:

Lucy light, Lucy light,
Shortest day and longest night.

The winter solstice this year is actually on December 21st, but we’re always up for a celebration. Particularly one that celebrates light! Hope everyone has a brilliant St Lucy’s Day!

Photo of the fireplace in the Events Hall at Ian's Chapel via (appropriately enough) Intelligent Lighting Design.