Monday, June 2, 2014

Wedding Pro-Tips: Make-up

When we asked videographers for their "pro tips" for our couples, one strongly advised against having a friend do your hair and make-up as "this can be the #1 killer of your day." His reasoning had to do with timing - a professional make-up artist will keep you on schedule and able to get all the photographs and videos you want, instead of having a friend (with good intentions) who might take too long helping you get ready and you lose valuable time in your day. We loved the great, practical advice for hiring a professional make-up artist - but what about the pretty? For that, we asked make-up pros Kassy Holly of Flair Austin and Kandy Glass of FaceKandy to share their tips for looking your best on your wedding day.  

Think Skincare

"DO think skincare before thinking make-up! Be diligent with a skincare regime from engagement day until wedding day. " - Kandy Glass, FaceKandy 

Both Kandy and Kassy emphasize the importance of caring for your skin before your wedding, but don't make big changes in the month and days before. Kassy notes that a big issue Flair Austin finds is "skin that has not been exfoliated recently (or even ever)." Kassy suggests using a gentle scrub (she likes Rhonda Allison's Brightening Scrub used 2-3 times a week) to help rid your skin of the dead cells that build up, causing a dull, lackluster look, and to help create a glowing complexion. She also advises that you "hydrate, hydrate, hydrate while prepping your skin for the big day. That dewy, fresh face look is very in this year and you cannot achieve it without hydrating. Hydrated skin looks healthy and youthful." As for when to start your exfoliating and hydration routine, Kandy recommends that you "don't change your skincare regime 30 days prior to a big life event like a wedding...the most irritating reactions will happen during the first 30 days of new product use." She also recommends that you don't have micro-dermabrasion or a chemical peel 30 days prior, and don't wax eyebrows or face 10 days prior, to portraits, special parties or your wedding.  

Trial Run

"DO try using beauty expert services for special occasions leading up to wedding day. This gives you and the make-up artist/stylist the opportunity to develop a better relationship...the more your beauty experts know about you, the better they can create your perfect wedding day look!" - Kandy Glass, FaceKandy

Kandy also encourages that you speak up if there is something you do not like at your trial: "Your beauty specialist wants you to be happy with their services - we cannot fix what we do not know about." Planning to have a spray tan for your wedding day? Kandy says to make sure you schedule a trial tanning session to be sure to have the best color for your skin.

The Trends 

So, you've been practical and, within a wise timeframe, exfoliated, hydrated, and tested. But what about the trends? Says Kassy: "Don't be afraid to get a little bold with your bridal look. It's a special occasion after all! Choose a focal point for your makeup; a bright lip will stand out just enough in photos to make for a stunning contrast against minimal eye makeup and flawless skin correction perfection. Believe it or not, orange lips have been huge so far in 2014 and are a fantastic way to brighten the face while still keeping a classy feel to your overall presentation. Or you can go the old fashioned glam route with a deep red pout."